My philosophy

Babies and children with movement difficulties or disabilities deserve to live life to the full. No matter what their level of difficulty or disability, every child has potential to improve in some aspect of their life. I am passionate about helping children move towards their potential.

As a parent or carer, you deserve to have the emotional and practical support to help you be your child’s best parent/carer. I’m here to help you understand your child’s difficulties and give you tips and strategies to bring in therapeutic activities and ways of handling your child, easily and naturally, throughout the day.

As a child grows, it is more than just their physical bodies and musculoskeletal system that grows. All areas of their development change and develop. This includes their sensory, cognitive, emotional and physiological development. All these have an impact on your child’s physical and gross motor development. I consider ALL the factors that may be influencing their gross motor development, coordination and musculoskeletal development.